Bite me: 刨冰 Crushed Ice

Compliments Dwain Thomas Photography
As a kid, my Saturday was not complete without 1/ flying fish lunch meal at Royal Castle and 2/ condensed milk-covered snow cone. It became a special ritual for me. Crushing the ice with my straw and watching the red and yellow syrup slowly blend into each other, defenseless against the milky swirls. But you know what really made this snow cone special? The spicy tones of the syrup. They transformed sugar and ice into a sacred delicacy and poignant childhood memory.

Crushed ice has a similar hold on Chinese kids. Actually in some translations, it's called 8 Treasure Ice and comes in a variety of options, the only constant being the ice. Toppings include jello, coconut jelly, chilled fruit, nuts, beans, and ice cream. It's definitely a mouthful of texture and flavor with that 'put together' feel.

Even though I saw the contents beforehand, every time the spoon hit my tongue, I felt I was in the middle of a calculus problem.

The rice balls were new to me, so I took awhile to adjust.

Then a beautiful angel whispered to me "You have to turn it up to TURN IT UP" (must have been from Atlanta or something). And sure enough mixing it around did the trick. I left the cafe with fruity breath and a smile on my face.

Basically, you can find this at any local cafe *in the summer time, when the weather is fine*. Give it a chance and this treasure may just reach the top of your dessert list.


  1. yeah im good!!!! ill stick to my snow cone Oh how i miss that poignant memory. The less said about the latter the better lol.
